Industrial Manufacturing Marketing Agency | Windmill Strategy

Comprehensive B2B Content Marketing for Business Growth

Windmill Strategy’s custom B2B content marketing helps you get found, educate and build credibility.

Easily publish a steady stream of high-quality content that builds your SEO value.

Educate your prospects and customers; build trust and long-term credibility.

Flexible content packages to fit your needs; by writers who understand your industry.

The Problem: B2B marketing leaders know that great content attracts and engages more website visitors who become leads. But your engineers and technical experts are too busy to research and write effective B2B content.

Windmill Strategy’s B2B content marketing packages are designed to fit your company’s specific needs. For far less than what it would take you to hire and train your own writers, we can create high-quality custom content that helps you stand apart and grow your business.

Our writers have technical backgrounds and experience in multiple industries, which results in rich, insightful content that is found by search engines and converts qualified prospects. To maximize article effectiveness, we:

  • Interview your SMEs
  • Perform background research
  • Optimize with keyword phrases (SEO)
  • Write a minimum of 1,200–1,500 words

Monthly or weekly content that you share with your audiences will help you:

  • Attract target prospects by being found in the right Google Searches
  • Create brand awareness
  • Educate prospects and customers
  • Build credibility and trust
  • Generate demand/leads
  • Generate sales/revenue
  • Build customer loyalty

learn more  & get started

How it Works

Step 1: Complimentary Call to Ask Questions and Assess Fit

Schedule a 30-minute complimentary call to ask questions, discuss goals and learn how content publishing could fit in with your marketing and growth goals.

Step 2: Discovery and Audience Analysis

In a two-hour virtual meeting, we’ll learn more about your company and products or services. How do your offerings differ from competitors? Who are your key audiences and their pain points? What do you know about search terms your audiences use to find what they need? What questions do you hear from your prospects?

Step 3: Content Plan and Editorial Schedule

Our competitive analysis and content gap research will result in an SEO-informed content plan and editorial schedule. Your detailed content plan and editorial schedule will include several article ideas and titles along with a detailed 3- to 6-month schedule that’s based on your goals. We’ll also provide a recommended list of target keyword phrases.

Content Marketing Packages Customized for your Industry and Needs

We’ll use your customized content marketing plan and editorial schedule to attract and educate your prospects while building credibility and trust. Once launched, we’ll frequently review analytics to understand how your audiences are engaging the new content.

Pricing is based primarily on the number of posts per month; engagements are all customizable.

Each engagement includes a strategic account manager, initial setup and planning, writing and SEO optimization of posts, SEO insight and analysis, and a cloud-based dashboard to track progress. 

Adjustments in keyword emphasis, titles and article length are all part of the process as your tailored content plan unfolds monthly.

Contact us today for a no-obligation, 30-minute call and discussion.


Am I a fit for Windmill Strategy’s B2B content marketing services?

If ANY of these sounds like you, the answer is likely yes, and we should talk further:

  • You need to attract more qualified prospects to your website.
  • Your website’s content doesn’t offer customers and prospects value-added information beyond your company’s offerings (static content). 
  • Your website doesn’t stand apart from competitors.
  • Your technical employees and engineers don’t have time to research and write original, long-form articles.
  • You’re unhappy with past writers because they didn’t understand your business.
  • You’re unsure of the key search terms your audiences use to find your company and content.
  • You’re not consistently tracking your audience’s Google search terms and creating new content to improve engagement.

Windmill Strategy’s B2B content marketing package is a cost-effective investment in creating high-quality content and SEO value for your website. Over time, you’ll systematically build helpful articles that’ll attract more prospects, and convert them into customers. 

With a steady stream of SEO-rich articles and content, you’ll attract more prospects and customers while building trust and engagement.