Windmill Strategy

How to Host a Webinar: A Guide to Success

Windmill Strategy Blog Post on How To Host A Webinar

What is a Webinar?

Webinars are live video presentations where knowledge is shared. Sometimes they’re dialogues with subject matter experts and sometimes they’re courses as a part of a larger learning experience. Sometimes they include chat boxes, polls, and other audience participation.

With virtual communications replacing in-person trade shows and meetings, hosting a webinar is a great way to engage your audience. No matter what flavor of webinar you’re interested in hosting, there’s no denying that, in general, they’re pretty great.

Hosting a webinar is a low-cost, high-reward way to connect your business with whomever it wants to be connected to. They invite a lot of potential opportunities, including generation of high-quality leads and the building of your brand’s reputation. Hosting a webinar is easy enough, but making sure it’s successful can be an entirely new challenge. We’ve been able to learn from experience and gather four of the most important considerations to make below. If you want to learn how to host a webinar, you’re in the right place.

Plan your content

Webinars are a great way to engage prospects who aren’t quite ready-to-buy, or need some more convincing in order to talk to sales. Choose content that will provide value to your best customers and prospects, and leads with providing helpful information – not a sales pitch. Talk to sales reps about frequently asked questions or hot topics, and look at your website analytics to find a topic that prospects are eager for more information on. Even if you get signups who don’t show (or plan to watch the recording later), you’ll end up with a list of leads that you can continue to market to well after your webinar. 

Choose the right platform

There are a wide variety of different platforms that you can use to host your webinar. You’ve likely even heard of ones that aren’t included in this list. Choosing the right one for you comes down to a couple things. First, the goal of your webinar. Some platforms have more interactive features than others. Second: the audience you’re trying to reach. For example, your existing social media channels could be perfect for reaching out to existing customers. 

Here are a few of our favorite platforms for webinar hosting:

Test things out

Never go into a webinar blind. Even if you’ve already hosted an event on a particular platform, you should still plan ahead. We recommend doing at least one test run before the big event, but there’s never any harm in doing more than one. These are some of the things you’re going to want to make sure work before you host your webinar:

Pay special attention to timing

When it comes to webinars, timing is everything. Even if you have the best topic, talent, and direction… nobody’s going to see it if it’s at an inopportune time. 

You’re never going to find a 100% consistent rule as to when the best time and day for a webinar is. This is especially true right now, because so many more people than usual are spending time at home due to the presence of COVID-19. That said, here are the rules of thumb we follow (and why):

Make sure you’re promoting your webinar

You need to promote your webinar to make sure people know it’s happening. Otherwise, all your other work will be in vain. Read this post for more detail on how to promote a webinar, but for now here are some of the most important tips: 

Important ways to promote your webinar:

See what we mean? Webinars are great. If you’re interested in learning more about how to host and promote your own webinar, or successfully make other marketing moves, get in touch with Windmill Strategy. We offer free consultations and would love to learn more about your business and discuss how we can help boost your brand.

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