B2B Rubber Part Manufacturer Web Design Midwest Rubber

B2B Rubber Manufacturer Website Refresh

Positioning, Content & Website Refresh for B2B Rubber Part Provider

Midwest Rubber had a not-quite-finished website and not-quite-up-to-standard messaging when they came to Windmill Strategy seeking help.

While adopting in-progress projects is outside of the norm for Windmill, Midwest Rubber defined goals for their content, which made the project easy to adopt. Midwest Rubber was looking to clarify their positioning for specific audiences and improve overall messaging, while simultaneously completing not-quite-finished site development started by another agency.

We were asked to help them turn their website into one they were happy with and could drive targeted traffic to, so we created a strategy to deliver the results they were looking for.

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Services Utilized

  • Web Design & Development
  • Copywriting
  • Messaging & Positioning
  • SEO
  • UX Consulting


  • Content Strategy
  • CRM & MAT Integration
  • GDPR Compliance
  • WooCommerce
  • Beaver Builder


  • Traffic increased by 26%
  • Session duration up 76%
  • Enhanced eCommerce experience

About Midwest Rubber

Midwest Rubber Service & Supply has been incorporated since 1976, meaning they’ve been serving their community for over 45 years. They’re a provider of high-quality custom-made rubber products designed to fit and function within machines of all varieties. Midwest Rubber is a company that prides itself on being a family-focused, community-based service provider dedicated to providing the right parts at the right time.

Situation: A Website With Outdated, Unclear Messaging

Midwest Rubber had an unfinished website that wasn’t saying what they wanted it to say. Development was stalled and despite working with a Storybrand consultant, they still felt like their messaging was unclear, their headlines weren’t engaging to their technical and very niche audiences, their resources were scattered, and their calls to action were inconsistent. Their site’s content and messaging needed a fresh perspective that understood B2B industrial marketing, so they sought one out.

Unfortunately, the first company they partnered with wasn’t able to give them the guidance they were looking for to engage their specific audiences. They broke ways with their first vendor and then approached Windmill Strategy seeking a fresh perspective. When Windmill received the project, there was 75% of a website to work with and an unfamiliar code and copy process to adopt and clean-up. So… we got to work.

Solution: Strategic Copy Updates and Development

Messaging and positioning was the main focus of this project. To be able to effectively improve and clarify Midwest Rubber’s positioning, we had to meet with them to learn about their brand, voice, and story. Those meetings and interviews translated into a value proposition and repositioning strategy focused around Midwest Rubber’s desire to be known for belting solutions.

This positioning update was the foundation for a subsequent content kickoff. This kickoff laid out an effort to draft new on page copy and headlines for the client’s six highest priority pages. Those new pages and their improved clarity then became the cornerstone for improved overall ease of navigation sitewide.

B2B Rubber Part Manufacturer Web Design Midwest Rubber
Midwest Rubber Homepage

In addition to the work with content, messaging and navigation, we also analyzed their existing site backend set-up to verify that its codebase was sound and secure before migration and go-live.

After our analysis, we shared recommendations with the client on what needed to be done to successfully migrate the site and maintain consistent, updated messaging within. These recommendations included search engine optimization suggestions, ranking report creation, and keyword research.

The final part of this project was bringing that new positioning and content into the website experience, and getting an improved Midwest Rubber website ready for launch.

Together on this project, Midwest Rubber and Windmill Strategy were able to find success by focusing on the right motivator: delivering the right message to the right people in the right way.

B2B Rubber Part Manufacturer Web Design Midwest Rubber

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Windmill Strategy is a web design company & digital marketing agency helping B2B manufacturing companies achieve increased visibility, higher quality leads, and greater marketing ROI through smarter web design. Our website design and B2B digital marketing approach goes beyond “more traffic,” seeking out better traffic, by gaining the attention of the specific niche groups of buyers and influencers that represent your best customers. We help our clients communicate and sell their complex products and services to multiple audiences – be it through web design or digital marketing and SEO. Working collaboratively with your in-house marketing and sales team, we design websites that drive leads and sales that result in overall business growth. Schedule a call to learn more.